Data-Driven Strategy

The value of data as a decisive part in strategic design


Data-Driven Strategy

In an increasingly digital world, making decisions based on data and evidence has ceased to be a competitive advantage and has become a matter of survival.

Snow Fox AI is committed to supporting your organization in the Data-Driven transformation journey, working on the fundamental aspects for the success of this process!

Fundamental Aspects

Evaluation of Potential

Evaluation of the potential for applying data in the organization's decision-making


Alignment between business strategy and data strategy

Architecture Design and Data Design

Design scalable and reliable data infrastructure, models, pipelines and data storage solution, as well as select appropriate technologies and tools

Data Compliance

Design of Data Governance and Compliance: Implementation of processes and establishment of policies to ensure responsible and ethical treatment of data, including security measures, retention policies, and privacy protocols for data

Success Cases

Is your company not here? Let's find the ideal solution!

shopping mall ()

Push notifications based on user behavior | SEGMENTOR

Strategy targeting push notifications based on user behavior within shopping centers, considering external and behavioral factors, has been successfully implemented. This innovative approach has resulted in more effective communication and increased sales.