
Structuring Data and Analytics Pipelines for a Media Industry Company

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Build a data foundation that is both scalable and cost-effective, gathering information from various external systems, granularities, and time periods. Provide, in real-time and in an automated manner, complex analyses related to revenue sources and user behavior and preferences.


The task involves structuring data for a media portal that receives over 50 million page views per month, a significant volume that requires a robust approach.


The solution consists of building views using Power BI, connected to a data mart. This data mart is powered by an ingenious ETL system, implemented through Python scripts and orchestrated in the cloud by AWS Step Functions. This combination of technologies promotes efficiency and agility.


  • Data-Driven Transformation in Record Time: In less than three months, the client transitioned from a phase where collected data was not utilized to one where directors have complete visibility of all performance indicators. With over 50 different views, decisions are now made in a data-driven manner.
  • Deployment of a Highly Scalable and Cost-Effective Data System: The implemented system not only meets current needs but is also cost-effective. Intelligent use of the infrastructure has kept costs low, ensuring a solution that is both efficient and effective.

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