
Improvement of click rate for a multinational consumer goods company

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Improving click-through rate on marketing campaigns via smart exit intent, a vital aspect of increasing intra-site conversion rate, and therefore revenue, for a leading multinational consumer goods company


The scope of the project included the analysis and execution, with clustering algorithms and reinforcement learning, of intelligent marketing campaigns


The solution involved a multifaceted approach that combined data analysis to understand user behavior, implementation of segmentation techniques to reach the right audience, and optimized smart exit intent design to increase visual appeal. A/B testing techniques were also applied, integrated with machine learning mechanisms via reinforcement, to iteratively and continuously improve performance.


64% improvement in click-through rate in the first month

134% improvement in click-through rate in the first month

The implementation of this strategy resulted in a substantial increase in click-through rate in marketing campaigns via smart exit intent. This not only improved user engagement with the brand, but also translated into sales growth and strengthened the company's presence in the market.

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